Sunday, March 7, 2010

Earthquake in Chile

How life changes in a second?
i experienced at first hand the fragility of life.
Knowing that life will not go on till we know that our love ones are safe, that they are OK. i was so lucky to get through my Mom that night and even when we were only able to talk for a few minutes it was enough for me to know that she was safe. That was my strenght for the days to came during last week, with not knowing or having any news from so many and just watching the devastation on TV and the Internet. After talking to my family in Chile and hearing from them where they were or how they drove for miles to find out if their families were phones, no electricity, no water for days....i had a good cry...just so grateful again that they were safe... So grateful for my family and friends for their support and for keeping my family in Chile on their prayers.
I'm not including pictures on this post as they are all so sad...