Saturday, January 28, 2012

Las Vegas~Fun times

This year for my birthday we went to Vegas for a few days, Not really too many great pics ,when is just the two of us I kind of forget to take pictures. I have mentioned before that we LOVE las Vegas, we don't care about the Casino life, but we go for the Art Galleries, my favorite shoppes, to see a show or a concert, the fab restaurants and to spend a few nights in a nice Hotel and relax. This time we stayed at The Venetian, beautiful and so busy with so many restaurants from well known chefs , we ate at Valentinos and it was a great food experience. The weather was a total delight....

Monday, January 16, 2012

Paper flowers...

A total fascination with paper flowers. have the tools to make them and they are so much fun. They can  be made in all kinds of paper patterns and all kind of sizes and designs. Started to feel crafty is probably from all that Pinterest inspiration :). I will start collecting some small tree branches, we will have to get rid of one of our trees this spring, sadly enough, but it went into a forever winter look a couple of years ago and this last summer it was just sad to look at it. I will get my small branches from it and the flower making will begin now...

Monday, January 2, 2012


Our family started the New Year with great news as Cristine and Leif announced their engagement. They have been dating for three years and they are both at the AEI (Art Entertainment Engineering) program at the U. Both doing computer animation and have worked together in several projects through their school years at the U. They will be both graduating this year. They are planning on a Summer wedding....and when they get back from Europe they will set the date , yes...did I mention that? His family invited Cristine to travel with them to Denmark to attend the wedding of leif's brother.  The highlight for Cristine will definitive be London...What a year for my girl! 
I feel like on a daze...a couple weeks ago my life was concentrating on my work and career path for 2012 as a new year is always intense for us in the banking industry, on a new front door that David felt in love with for our house...on a short Vegas Getaway for my birthday and now a wedding ...Soooo happy....