Sunday, December 22, 2013

Holiday Season

This Holiday Season is going so fast …I wish it will last a little longer…This month we hosted a couple Christmas parties at our home. One with my artsy ladies and the other with friends and family. This year as well as last year I did all my shopping online. I tried keeping it simple, but I always end up spoiling the girls with too many fun things that I keep finding for them…such a joy….David finished an amazing new painting that we added to our Christmas cards, he is so talented. I have a few projects that did not get done, but for the most part I did well, considering that now besides my full time job I'm Primary President and  I can finally say that honestly I have time for nothing… Love  my calling and every Sunday children make me feel humble, they are so amazing, so loving and so honest

Saturday, November 9, 2013

From Red Room to Blue Room

A couple of weeks ago we started the process to make a simple remodeling project to my craft room. I needed a change. David wasn't to crazy about my choice of blue, but I wanted to give it a fresh look. Now it reminds me of the it...I have an old curio in the room with all my birds....yes I said birds...I started collecting them years ago and every time we travel we came back with a new one...I painted the curio yellow and wow...what an amazing change, it looks so pretty. I started  painting a Saturday morning and my sweet husband did all the detail work, edges, corners, doors...all the fun stuff that takes so much time and an eye for perfection like he has. When we finished with everything I spend a week organizing. Every night after work I was dedicating an hour or so going through boxes and containers. I labeled all the containers so when Krystel, Cristine, grandma Schmidt or anyone that wants to work in my room, are spending time crafting they can find things easily. Happy with my results and super happy with my new room.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Park City Love

This year we again rented a house in Park City during the week of David's Birthday. We had a great time first just the two of us and then with all the kids. Seems that this vacation works for everyone since it is so close to the city that everyone can be there according to their schedules and turns out to need very little planning. We enjoyed main street and hiking with the beautiful fall colors. How fun it was to have everyone there, watching movies and having some great family time

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Gage & Bree

Gage and Bree were married September 24th. It was a beautiful wedding and they both look radiant and so very happy. Seems like yesterday he was just a little boy...The years really went fast, really fast. Now as a family we are creating new memories, wonderful memories with all our children finding true love and happiness.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Gardner Village.

A few pics from our visit to Gardner Village on a Saturday morning. So many beautiful things and owls everywhere!!! Grandma Schmidt is spending a few weekends with us and she is a delight. She loves crafting so this was a very enjoyable morning for her and of course for us.Love all the inspiration at this place...

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Ladies Retreat 2013

This year and for what I think is the fifth consecutive year I spend a few days at our friend's cabin crafting with the ladies. I wasn't able to be there for the five days, but I went for the weekend. It was so much fun and so relaxing. One of my favorite things is to get to use every one tools, gadgets, embellishments and tons of ideas. It is all about creativity and having fun. Lots of time to talk, laugh and of course munch in nothing but sugar...Fun times.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

La Caille -A beautiful day.

We had a great afternoon at La Caille at their Bridal Show. They had tons of great vendors, some that we are already familiar with from Cristine's wedding last year and some new. The colors are bright, no more soft pastel weddings, is all about color...The event included a lunch and we really enjoyed it. Their food was spectacular, everything was serve in a beautiful way. The most important fact is that I got to spend a few hours of fun with my girlies Krystel and Cristine and that was a total treat. Krystel got tons of information and ideas . A beautiful day.